The Alexander and Renata Camaro Foundation maintains and promotes Alexander and Renata Camaro's work and allows it to be accessed by the public. The foundation also promotes contemporary art forms that relate to the great variety in Alexander Camaro's work - painting, dance, literature, film and music. Artistic freedom was of fundamental importance to Camaro and applies to all projects that the Foundation supports.
The founder, Renata Camaro, born in 1934 as Renate Gentner in Herrenberg near Stuttgart, was Camaro's master scholar and later became his wife. 1954-56 she was a student in the art department of the College of Textile Engineering in Krefeld under Professor Elisabeth Kadow, from the Bauhaus school. Beside her own artistic involvements Renata Camaro played a key role in the late works of Alexander Camaro as his muse and assistant. After Camaro's death, she was concerned with keeping his work together and so founded the Alexander and Renata Camaro Foundation, which she achieved shortly before her death in 2009.
The Foundation is based at 98A Potsdamer Straße, a historic building, which the Alexander and Renata Camaro Foundation purchased and renovated. It was built in the garden of Baron Lipperheide's palais in 1893. It was commissioned by the Society of Women Artists and Art Lovers and by the Viktoria-Lyceum, which was concerned with the further education of women. Käthe Kollwitz was one of the teachers and Paula Modersohn-Becker one of the students. After the relocation of the Women Artists Academy the occupants changed frequently: piano makers, armament entrepreneurs, anthroposophists and publishers. With the help of the Alexander and Renata Camaro Foundation the house once again opens its doors to the arts and cultural exchange.