From 1928-30 Alexander Camaro received dance training from the famous Mary Wigman in Dresden. Under the stage name Alexander Kamaroff he first performed publicly as her partner in Munich in 1930, in the role of the war demon in Albert Talhoff's pacifist dance drama "Das Totenmal".
In the 1930s Camaro lived on his income as a dancer, but all his spare time was devoted to painting and drawing, even on tour. He appeared in works by the choreographer Margarete Wallmann, at the Salzburg Festival and elsewhere, but also as a soloist - often in his preferred demonic roles - and with Liselore Bergmann, with whom he was engaged as Dancing Master at the Gotha Theatre1934 and at the Regional Theatre Allenstein in Eastern Prussia 1938/39. Camaro also designed the costumes for their performances.
After the outbreak of the war, Camaro continued touring for a while, before he eluded military service and went on to live illegally.
Frank-Manuel Peter, Director of Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln (German Dance Archive Cologne)
Scene „Camaro dances with women“ (1983)